A prolific writer, a passionate speaker, and a developer of a novel iPhone/iPad App for leaders, management consultants and HR professionals, Marc van der Erve offers a new theoretical and practical framework of thinking and acting for leaders in the third millennium. In his slideshow and book, A New Leadership Ethos - The Ability to Predict, Marc van der Erve explains that, as a result of a newfound way to predict the course of developments, the responsibility and type of leaders will become much more inspired by the developmental needs of organizations and nations. Relying on a new theory of organization, he successfully predicted the election of Barack Obama as US President nine months in advance as well as the course of developments in Apple, Toyota, General Motors, General Electric and other companies often several years before they unfolded. Marc van der Erve explores a highly practical approach which is supported by iEmzine, a new iPad App. This approach is an integral part of