Although each of our tales is different, in the end, the same fate awaits us all.
Asked by his buddy Shane to stay in the mortal realm, Mark decides to make the best of it. After changing his name back to the one he held in his previous life, Mark buys a car, rents an apartment, and finds a rewarding job – one that allows him to help those that can't help themselves.
Even though he tries to perform his good deeds inconspicuously, it isn't long before he gets noticed. After defeating a malevolent entity trying to take his power, Mark is assaulted a second time, then a third – each time barely escaping the battles with his very life.
Sensing these assaults will continue until he finds the source of the attacks, Mark decides to hunt down the responsible being – a creature using the name of the fallen angel, Satan. Traveling halfway around the world to confront the malicious being, Mark soon realizes he may be up against a force much stronger than any he's encountered before.
Will Mark defeat the spiteful creature hell bent on his destruction? Or will he fall prey to the mysterious individual … an entity that holds the powers of an ancient god within his hands.