For anyone who has ever loved a dog, and especially a dachshund, this story captures the playfulness and quirkiness of these sweet animals. Get ready to laugh and cry with this magical tale, and let it serve as a great conversation starter for a child coping with the loss of his or her own beloved pet. It is based on the true-life story of Chocolate the dachshund, a high-heel-loving hound that becomes an irreplaceable part of her family.
Loving and naughty at times, Chocolate and the Cat have a classic rivalry as both compete for the affections of their family and hijinks ensue. Chocolate tries to dance her way to France — "She clicked and clacked across the floor, her toenails a-tapping out the door, she was never a bore. But as a Dachshund, let's be clear, she also never EVER did a chore." And can you blame her for "foodie dream of butter and cream — dull, dry food, that seemed SO rude." Despite all her Cat chasing, Chocolate always tries to make things right: "But at night when the house was still, and Cat was in his chair, Chocolate would do all she could to clear the air, oh what a pair! She'd listen to Cat's purring and keep quiet about her own ferocious grr-ring. Then she'd snuggle close, and burrow into pillows deep, tunneling for badgers in her sleep."