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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Living / Death, Grief, Bereavement
  • Language:English
  • Pages:140
  • eBook ISBN:9781623095581

When Death Becomes Life

The Loss Of A Loved One - How To Find Consolation

by Helene De Kock

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When death becomes life is a book about the loss of a beloved child. All parents beseech God to spare their children. To save their children and loved ones from sin and illness and above all, death. And God listens and He really does that – until He decides that your child’s time has come. It is thát decision that is so much feared. But listen carefully – death was conquered! Why do we say we believe if we do not believe that Jesus Christ is Life itself? To all these kinds of questions there is only one answer: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28-29.
This book is about the loss of a loved one and how to be consoled. Death treats everyone differently. But to some extent God works in the same way with all who believe. If you ask for his help, you’ll receive it. Unconditionally. You only need a spark of faith to reach out weakly to your Father. Then He strengthens that spark. Because God understands your sorrow. This book is simply about how we, as a family, have experienced the death of our child and brother. Others may experience the death of a loved one differently. But we want to, and are certainly able to, bear testimony to God’s omnipotence, his deep empathy, His perfect love that has enfolded us daily. Also, we are able to testify in this manner because He made it possible for us to do so. That is why we want to say with all our heart: But God who comforts the downcast, comforted us [too]. 2 Corinthians 7:6 And the most important discovery on our journey through sorrow is that God’s peace is always there for those who are searching for Him: “... and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
About the author
Helene de Kock is a well-known Afrikaans writer who has written more than 40 novels in Afrikaans. She lives near Pretoria in South Africa. She is currently working on a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of North West in South Africa. 'When death becomes life' is her first English book and it is about the loss of a loved one. She and her husband, dr. Jos de Kock, as well as her two other children, experienced this first hand when their eldest son and brother was killed in a motor accident. This book was written from a Christian perspective and offers hope and consolation.