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Book details
  • Genre:MEDICAL
  • SubGenre:Genetics
  • Language:English
  • Pages:161
  • eBook ISBN:9780988722910

What's In Your Genes?

by Charlene H. Grafton

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What makes this book stand out above the rest of recent health books is because it is written when it happened by a patient who is a nurse and case manager skilled in writing medical CEU programs who knows the in’s and out’s of how things are supposed to be at the doctors, hospitals and various specialty departments but who found that was not the case when it came to adverse reactions to her medications and treatments. All of the rest falls into place with the author’s knowledge of genes, genetics, gender and genealogy with the genetic revolution in American healthcare and personalized medicine in the wings for 2013.
Personalized healthcare is rapidly approaching the American health care treatment scene in 2013. As a seasoned healthcare professional and educator, in my view, this has been a long time coming. I have written a type of book like no other explaining how genetics and genealogy is just a start in this transition to improved healthcare in the USA. When we talk or write about this type of treatment we are using genetic or other biomarker information to make decisions about the type of treatment to be offered to people, not trial and error prescribing of drugs or devices. But it takes more than doctors and nurses to make this work. People must take more of a stance with their issues and concerns in their long term health by way of education in the importance of your family health history, then why some diseases are hereditary, some through the environment (epigenetics) while some misfortunes in your health are caused by mistakes or accidents by all types of physicians whether in their local practice, operating room, radiology or within hospitals. Through personal stories of victims and some survivors of these mistakes, including mine, will give you the power as and iPatient with motivation to join the genomic revolution in the USA. The adult population, both male and female, will read the evidence in the true stories by survivors. These teaching and learning resources shared with the general/scholarly reader will put them into touch as an iPatient with our CDC with the Family Health Portrait and teaching methods for multi-cultural gene test providers assisting these readers in finding where their ancestors came from and how to find out, What’s In Your Genes?
About the author
Charlene Grafton is a Nurse Case Manager and Author of seven full length nonfiction books. What's In Your Genes? Human Threads Linking Genetics and Genealogy is her latest endeavor in soft cover and eBook. Personalized medicine is rapidly upon us as the Surgeon General of the USA advises us to explore your ancestry for the medical aspects in American healthcare. Grafton explains how to get started with the development of your family pedigree and follows with how and why to become your family health historian. After you read about adverse events of real people, including the author, you will understand why Grafton is sharing this information with her readers. Genes with their mutations and biomarkers will intrigue you and will engage the reader to get started on the path to find out more about your human genome.