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Book details
  • SubGenre:Business Ethics
  • Language:English
  • Pages:260
  • eBook ISBN:9781620958360

Wal-Mart's EGOnomics - Always - The Greed Behind the Smiley Face

by Charles H. "Chuck" Hood

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A non-fiction, behind-the-scenes expose` of the evil and devouring business practices that lurk behind Wal-Mart's outward facades of the feel-good smiley face and the powerful banner that touts their "Everyday low prices - Always." This book chronicles the facts of Wal-Mart's ego-driven, bullying business tactics, the sum of which led to Hood's company, ADDvantage Media Group, filing a $40 million lawsuit against Wal-Mart for "breach of contracts and corporate sabotage." The story is supported by 11,000 pages of evidence/documentation and more than 60 tape recordings, all of which led to Wal-Mart settling the lawsuit for more than half of the filing amount, and doing so in less than nine months. After the suit's settlement, and despite the company's acknowledged guilt and a new, replacement "partnership contract" being in place, Wal-Mart set out to destroy Hood's company. Wal-Mart's new partnership betrayals are not just shocking, they are stunning. You will get the sense that the majority of Wal-Mart's corporate employees are nearly all small-minded, child-like persons taught only to "heel" and "sic 'em," depending upon the commands given by each one's "boss."
This is a two-part story. The first part documents Wal-Mart's ruthless and greedy business actions, all of which led to the filing of a $40 million lawsuit against them. The second part deals with the great lengths to which Wal-Mart will go to destroy any company with the "guts and courage" to file a suit against them. Despite having judged themselves as being guilty and electing to settle the initial suit, we were told that Wal-Mart always sought retribution against any and all filing companies. In our case that was precisely what they did. It required some time and hundreds of lies being told to our customers, but despite having a new contract in place, Wal-Mart succeeded. Today our retail service company is out of business and Wal-Mart's mission was a success. Our company's more than 100 past employees were all forced to seek employment elsewhere -- all thanks to the despicably evil ways and attack-dog mentalities of these retailing egomaniacs who so successfully hide behind the smiley face.
About the author
Hood is a veteran of over forty years in the advertising and marketing businesses. He is an award-winning copywriter -- for print and film -- having won many regional and national ADDY's and top honors in the International, New York and Chicago Film Festivals. He founded his own advertising agency and grew it to a stature of being in the top 100 ad agencies in the world. He served on the boards of the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) and the Point of Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI) and was a member of the "Advertising Age Editorial Review Board. After retiring from the ad agency business Hood developed and patented fourteen in-store advertising products, and using them all, founded his own in-store advertising company which soon became a leader in the industry. He took the company public and his products were in more than 3,000 grocery outlets, all of the Wal-Mart Supercenters and the Super K Marts. Hood wrote this -- his first book -- "Wal-Mart's EGOnomics - Always - The Greed Behind the Smiley Face" -- detailing his distasteful experiences as a Wal-Mart vendor. The book was highly acclaimed, winning 4 1/2 and Five Star reviews from the major professional reviewers. ForeWord Reviews described his initial work as being: "an incredible book." These were high words of praise for a first-time author. Hood is a past recipient of the Tulsa Advertising Federation's Silver Addy (Ad Man of the Year) award. He is now a retired business and marketing consultant pursuing a career as an author. Hood is on the Advisory Board of the University of Tulsa School of Journalism and a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Hood and his wife have four children and seven grandchildren, and reside in Tulsa Oklahoma.