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Book details
  • Genre:SCIENCE
  • SubGenre:Physics / Astrophysics
  • Language:English
  • Pages:152
  • eBook ISBN:9781626753518

Origin of Planets

A Theory of Evolution of the Universe

by Andy Stevens Boulogne

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This is a theory of Evolution of Planets which provides a convincing arguement of the origins of Planets , asteriods, meteors and even the source of water on planet earth. It demonstrates why there must be life in other galaxies and also points us to the urgency of ensuring that no human is on planet earth in 250 million years.
This book is a new theory of the evolution of Planets. The author seeks to solve the evolution /creation argument by demonstrating how they both have respective merit. The author takes the reader along a fascinating journey though ancient teachings, symbolism, religion, science and personal experience in a manner which allows for thought provoking discovery. The book explains the detailed formation of our solar system and how and why each planet has its characteristics. He goes on to explain the reason why there is water on the planet and why there is definitely other life forms in the universe. This is a fascinating read and your perspective of the planets and your significance in the universe will be forever changed. It is by far the most convincing explanation of the solar system and by extension opens the window to the Universe.
About the author
Andy Stevens Boulogne is an autodidact astrophysicist who has spent the last 10 years in an intense search for truth. His great interest in the classics ,occult ,scientific and religious and spiritual text engendered a burning fascination in the reason for our existence. Almost 4000 specialised books later and many years of research and diverse experiences he decided to share the many discoveries which have compelled him to compile this work. Astrophysics is his hobby which he is more passionate about that entrepreneur ship which is his profession. He lives in the Caribbean and travels extensively for business and research. His interest in the quest for truth leads him to constantly look for the answers to the daunting questions of humanity.