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Book details
  • SubGenre:Children with Special Needs
  • Language:English
  • Pages:238
  • eBook ISBN:9781935567370

No Longer A Secret

by Lucy Jane Miller and Doreit Bialer

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This invaluable resource by Dr Lucy Jane Miller and Doreit Bialer helps teach cost effective, functional, on the spot tips to use for children with sensory issues at home, at school, or in a community setting. Any parent, teacher, or therapist can use this book and help a child with sensory or motor issues!
This invaluable resource by Dr Lucy Jane Miller and Doreit Bialer helps teach cost effective, functional, on the spot tips to use for children with sensory issues at home, at school, or in a community setting. Any parent, teacher, or therapist can use this book and help a child with sensory or motor issues!
About the author
As founder of the first comprehensive Sensory Processing Disorder research program nationwide and author of groundbreaking Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Dr. Lucy Jane Miller's name is synonymous with sensory research, education, and treatment. Dr. Miller has been investigating, analyzing, and explaining SPD to other scientists, professionals, and parents since she studied under sensory integration pioneer A. Jean Ayres, Ph.D., more than thirty years ago. Since then, studies by Dr. Miller and her colleagues have helped bring SPD widespread recognition, and her work with families has improved countless lives. Thanks specifically to Dr. Miller's mobilization of the research community, SPD now appears in two diagnostic manuals: the ICDL's Diagnostic Manual for Infancy and Early Childhood and The Diagnostic Classification: Zero to Three. Her application has led to consideration of SPD for inclusion in the 2013 revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V). Dr. Miller has also developed seven nationally standardized tests for use worldwide to assess and diagnose SPD and other developmental disorders and delays. Dr. Miller has been featured on NBC's Today Show and ABC's 20/20, in The New York Times and numerous other popular and professional publications. She is the author of more than sixty articles and/or chapters in scientific and professional journals, magazines, and textbooks and is a frequent presenter or speaker at conferences and workshops worldwide. She has received more than thirty funded awards and grants to further research on SPD and other childhood disabilities. In 2004, Dr. Miller received the Award of Merit from the American Occupational Therapy Association, the profession's highest honor. In 2005, she was awarded the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian award by the state of Colorado.