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Book details
  • SubGenre:Internet / Web Programming
  • Language:English
  • Pages:100
  • eBook ISBN:9780989072106

Mobile App Manual: The Blueprint

How to Start Creating Mobile Apps Using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap Build

by Jeff Pelletier

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Mobile App Manual: The Blueprint is a starting point for building native mobile applications using web technologies. You'll learn about a process developed using tools like jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap Build, that will allow you to create mobile applications quickly and easily. You'll also learn how to leverage skills typically used to develop desktop websites to create modern hybrid mobile applications, so you can write your code once, and deploy your apps across a wide variety of devices and app stores.
Mobile App Manual: The Blueprint explains how to create hybrid mobile applications using modern technologies like jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap Build. Learn about the history, tools, and process surrounding creating hybrid mobile applications. Learn about the modern mobile app landscape, and the tools that can be leveraged to create hybrid applications in a fraction of the time it takes to create traditional native mobile applications. Learn about a specific process that can be put into practice immediately, so you can start creating your own hybrid applications today. The process outlined in Mobile App Manual: The Blueprint will give you the foundation for creating hybrid applications, so you can quickly and easily get your own hybrid apps up and running.
About the author
Jeff Pelletier is a web developer who has been designing and developing websites for over ten years. He has worked for technology and content companies over this period, and is currently employed at the New England Sports Network, in Watertown, MA. He's worked on a variety of projects that touch the mobile web or app space, including projects with Automattic, Brightcove, and Oomph. Jeff is currently living in Framingham, MA with his wife and three children. In his spare time, he attempts to consume all of the content at Geek & Sundry. This is Jeff's first book, and he's as excited to have written it as you hopefully are to read it.