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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Ministry / Evangelism
  • Language:English
  • Pages:144
  • eBook ISBN:9781613182536

God Loves the Freaks

A Guide to Subculture Ministry

by Stephen Weese

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God Loves the Freaks points to a serious issue facing the church today - reaching out to subcultures and those who are considered the freaks of society. The "American Christianity" cult that many churches belong to accepts only members who dress, speak and act exactly the same way. We have somehow turned the church into an elite club where only those who follow man-made cultural rules are welcome. Why is it acceptable for someone to show up in church in traditional Chinese clothing, for instance, but not for someone to have a pink mohawk? The church tries to change the freaks of society, or worse, turns them away at the door. Jesus reached out to those in society who were different, who were outcast - the freaks. Stephen Weese paints a vision of a church living by grace, in unity; without the legalism that divides and causes us to shun others based on outward appearance. God looks at the heart and he loves everyone, including the freaks. If God loves the freaks, shouldn't the church as well?
God Loves the Freaks points to a serious issue facing the church today - reaching out to subcultures and those who are considered the freaks of society. The "American Christianity" cult that many churches belong to accepts only members who dress, speak and act exactly the same way. We have somehow turned the church into an elite club where only those who follow man-made cultural rules are welcome. Why is it acceptable for someone to show up in church in traditional Chinese clothing, for instance, but not for someone to have a pink mohawk? The church tries to change the freaks of society, or worse, turns them away at the door. Jesus reached out to those in society who were different, who were outcast - the freaks. Stephen Weese paints a vision of a church living by grace, in unity; without the legalism that divides and causes us to shun others based on outward appearance. God looks at the heart and he loves everyone, including the freaks. If God loves the freaks, shouldn't the church as well?
About the author
Stephen Weese has been a Christian and a freak almost his entire life. He was saved at the age of ten and started playing Dungeons and Dragons when he was twelve. In elementary school the gift of a Commodore 64 computer turned him into a geek. As he was studying Computer Science in college, he became an assistant to a pastor at a small Baptist church where he began ministry training. He has given sermons in churches and spoken at campus Christian groups and attended leadership conferences at a charismatic church. He is currently pursuing his second masters in Ministry. Stephen has been teaching computer classes at the college level for over twelve years now and holds a Masters degree in Computer Information Technology. The computer book he co-wrote, the A+ Exam Prep, was the number one selling title for Coriolis Press. His ministry, Fans for Christ, a group for Christian fans of anime, sci-fi, role playing, goth, and other similar interests, has been around for over ten years and is online at www.fansforchrist.org. He is launching a new site soon, christianfreak.com. His hobbies include music, anime, gaming, and acting as well as auto racing and playing Live Action Roleplaying (LARP) games. He lives in Los Angeles.