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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Women
  • Language:English
  • Series title:'76 Bridges
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:228
  • eBook ISBN:9781483533827

'76 Bridges

Finding Their Way

by Natalie R Vice

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Life threw them together… growing, learning and leaning on each other. ”Wait… wait, Jorja… quit going so fast… I gotta catch up… you’re going too fast. Wait for meee….” “You’re too slow… you can catch up later…just follow the trail…I’ll be waiting at the end…” Somewhere along the way, they chose different paths. Paths that would take them in completely different directions… Girls growing up during the turbulence of the 60’s and 70’s to become women of the 80’s and 90’s, Jorja and Regina belong to a generation that changed history and rewrote the rules. Rules and roles for women today. After a life of husbands, kids, and careers, they tell their story of triumphs and failures, changes and challenges. Now, can they find a way to pick up the tattered pieces of a once strong friendship? Will the girlish dreams of yesterday find a place in the reality of today and the vision of tomorrow? Join Jorja and Regina as they laugh and cry, reminisce and dream.
Yesterday Jorja and Regina were the best of friends and inseparable conspirators in high school. In the weeks following graduation, life begins to happen, and as in so many cases, the two young girls grow into adults with adult responsibilities and obligations. Their close friendship and constant communication begins to wane as they face the reality of their choices. Today Day by day, step by step, they wove the fabric of their life. How did they let such a special friendship slip away? Careers come and go, children grow up. After years of separation, and a lifetime of differences, can they find a way to mend the tattered pieces of a special friendship? Tomorrow There is a wonderful relationship that exists between women. We’re friends, counselors, psychiatrists, and confidantes. We laugh, cry, and commiserate TOGETHER. Jorja and Regina tell the story of us. Tomorrow is always a place of plans, dreams, and adventure. ’76 Bridges chronicles their journey, from the girlish dreams of yesterday, through the realities of life today, and into the vision of their tomorrows. As each woman relates her own story of failures and triumphs, happiness and despair, can they find a way to recapture the ties of their youth? It is about living life, the realities of wayward children, difficult parents, old friends, and the many obstacles that life can thrust upon us – filled with laughter and humor – it is an opportunity to bridge the distance between our past, our present, and our vision of tomorrow. Book 1, “Finding Their Way” begins at the beginning and introduces you to the girls of yesteryear – where they lived, how they met, and what life was like for the young girls and then young women of Polk Ridge, AR. It is the first in a series of books that shares with the reader a glimpse into the lives of the sometimes mundane, sometimes exhilarating characters of Jorja and Regina. And it is a love affair with life that keeps them moving from adventure to adventure, and looking forward to tomorrow.
About the author
Author and writer, Natalie R Vice has spent a lifetime preparing for the chronicles that are the “’76 Bridges” Series. Born in 1965, on an Air Force Base, her parents returned to the small town way of life to live and raise their 3 children. Natalie graduated from the same school she attended all her life, and has lived her life within a 50 mile radius of that same small town. She has been a writer for 10 years, as well as a small business owner, wife, mom, and now grandmother. After her son graduated from high school, Natalie returned to college to finish her degree, and now holds a BS in Accounting. She has a genuine love of people, and has spent 4 decades observing and finding humor in the everyday “mishaps” that occur when life is lived in a small town. It is from these experiences that she created the fictional characters of JorjaFelsenthal and Regina Phillips, and their often candid, sometimes dysfunctional, but always funny journey through the prime of their life. She has written and/or co-authored several non-fiction books, such as “The Baby Boomer’s Guide To Retirement” and books written under the pen name of Rene’ V. Richards include, “How to Buy and or Sell a Small Business for Maximum Profit” and “Online Marketing Success Stories”.