About the author
My name is Andre Young, author, speaker, and Founder & CEO of You Evolving Now, LLC. It’s my mission to impact lives and relationships of men and women everywhere; allowing YOU to live the life of your dreams! Throughout my years as a Mental Health Counselor, Founder & CEO of You Evolving Now, a Person, Partner, and Parent… I am excited to present my 7 Ways to Love and You Evolving Now to YOU and the world!
You Evolving Now, LLC is a life-enrichment company; allowing men and women, students, and employees to EVOLVE and live the life of their dreams. Receive daily positivity, personal and relational growth, and overall life-enrichment with all we offer. You Evolving Now allows adults to live better lives... not just busy lives, students to gradate better... not just smarter, and enhances companies productivity and bottom-line by impacting employees at work, home, in the community, and in their relationships!