About the author
Unless you have been very close to Cristy Kessler over many years, you would never have known that for most of her life, she was facing certain death from medical problems most of us have never heard of. In spite of that, she has been a role model for countless students from 5th grade through university whose lives she has touched as a social studies teacher, coach, and associate professor of education at the University of Hawaii.
A three-sport standout in high school, Cristy coached both soccer and basketball, including a five-year stint as coach for TourneySport USA in Hawaii. She earned her doctorate in educational leadership and innovation in 2003, and as part of her commitment to being the best teacher and role model she could be, she achieved certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). Rarely has a university professor sought (or achieved) this recognition, but Cristy did exactly that in 2005, even as she was recovering from cancer surgery. In her role as an associate professor at the university, she has guided scores of teachers through successful achievement of NBPTS certification.
Plagued by constant pain and fatigue, Cristy was finally diagnosed in 2006 with a constellation of auto-immune diseases: scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis, and vasculitis, any one of which is ultimately fatal. Following years of treatment for the symptoms of these disorders, it became clear that the only way to save her life was to somehow tackle the diseases themselves, not just the symptoms. Finding no promising treatment programs in the United States, and nothing that would be covered by her health insurance, Cristy traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, in 2011 for a life-saving stem-cell transplant at Anadolu Hospital, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University. Extensive fund-raising efforts by friends and family helped make this incredible journey a reality.
Her goal is to inspire and encourage others through the story of her determination to live, even in the face of chronic pain and imminent death. Now, because she knows she would not be here if so many others had not stepped up to see her through this journey, she is determined to pay it forward and help others. Cristy has begun a movement called 5 STEPS Advocate to empower patients and their caregivers to work proactively with their medical providers for the most effective outcomes.
5 STEPS Advocate teaches patients and their caregivers to embrace the 5 STEPS Principles and to recognize that Knowledge is Power; teaches patients and their caregivers how to open doors that have been shut by conventional health care systems; teaches patients and their caregivers how to move forward when fear and societal expectations promote inaction; creates an environment of hope for individuals with chronic or severe illness; and empowers everyone to advocate for their own health care needs. This mission is accomplished by providing health care education through books, workshops, webinars, podcasts and consulting services to individuals and organizations concerned with illness, wellness and recovery.
Cristy lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, with her partner Liz, along with the smiling dog, Leah Kessler, and their cats, Thomas Cranmer Zivanov, Richard Hooker Zivanov, Nicholas Ridley Zivanov, Bristol and Baily Kessler, St Alban, Sir Dibley, and St. Augustine.