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Book details
  • SubGenre:Astrology / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:96
  • eBook ISBN:9781620950654

2012 and Beyond: Your Personal Guide to the New Earth

by Jane Ritson

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Jane is a professional astrologer. She has created many psychological and spiritual chart interpretations for her clients. Whilst she was researching 2012 she realised that these readings were perfectly suited to revealing their spiritual potential. Over thousands of years we have gradually lost touch with our innate intuitive abilities. 2012 represents a significant dimensional shift and a fantastic evolutionary opportunity. There is no single way to awaken. It is a very personal experience. Using your own birth chart you will learn what your individual speciality is. There are many generic books about 2012 on the market. For those who desire to to know what 2012 will mean for them personally, through a step-by-step guide Jane will show you how you can find abundance, fulfillment and greater purpose through a greater connection to your soul.
Jane has researched the history and meaning of the phenomenon of 2012. She has added to this the great wisdom from spiritual beings and incorporated her in-depth knowledge of the birth chart. Jane uses the chart to psychologically assess how her clients may have absorbed childhood messages that limit their potential and prevents them from trusting their soul’s guidance. She helps them to recognise life lessons resulting from ego issues so that they are then able to find the freedom and confidence to trust their inner voice of loving guidance. With this book Jane has now made this knowledge available to her readers. Jane gives a brief history of the ancient Mayan civilisation. And a rare glimpse into what life will be like on a New Earth, what new higher abilities we will be gaining and how to start accessing them. This book also covers the new expansive energy that is bringing us the opportunity to create more than was previously available to us. More abundance, more love, more happiness and more personal fulfillment. This is popularly recognised as the Law of Attraction. Even if you don’t wish to learn about the opportunities that 2012 represents it will give you the tools to find more material and personal success in your own life. This book can also be read as a stand-alone spiritual growth tool which covers many modalities such as raising your vibration, intuition, soul level creation, happier relationships, unconditional love, soul communication, self-love, personal empowerment, the ego, personal and Divine Will, the Law of Attraction, reincarnation, past lives, karma, life lessons, life purpose, pyschic abilities, the DNA, visualisation, soul groups and soul family, ascension, spiritual service, group creation, joint manifesting, sexual energy, spirit guides, telepathy, and more. There is plenty of food for thought for the novice and the serious astrologer as Jane has up-dated traditional astrology with the new potential for the coming Era. And added more insights into the transpersonal planets. There is also information on the higher qualities of each of the signs and a deeper look into the astrological houses. There is also a section on using flower essences to enhance the potential in the birth chart and speed up the growth process. If you want to start experiencing now what is available to anyone who desires to make the evolutionary shift towards Homo Spiritus then this is the book for you.
About the author
Jane is a professional and certified Psychological and Spiritual Astrologer. She is also a teacher, a speaker and a visionary. She runs a busy astrology practice in the English Lake District and has many international clients. She is also a certified flower essence practitioner who does Astro-essence readings for Findhorn Flower Essences clients.