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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Communication & Social Skills
  • Language:English
  • Series title:12 Simple Words...Foundation
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:160
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350966152

12 Simple Words

by John W Kennedy

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In "12 Simple Words," John W. Kennedy critiques modern communication, urging readers to prioritize understanding over blame and advocating for genuine dialogue in a world overwhelmed by noise." —NewInBooks.com

An engaged look into The Boy Scout Law and how it can be used as a foundation to creating a positive life. These 12 Words were selected to provide structure and direction to young boys, but in reality can be applied to any and all of us.

This book, 12 Simple Words, provides not only my vision as the core author, but (also) a view from almost 50 'other voices. Some Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Adult Leaders...and many that were not ever involved in the program. This provides an unparalleled look into the overall value of these 12 words through these eyes of many successful people from many walks of life.  

Trustworthy - Loyal - Helpful - Friendly - Courteous - Kind - Obedient - Cheerful - Thrifty - Brave - Clean - Reverent...taken individually they are meaningful...together they become a powerful personal resource.    

About the author

About the Author / Compiler: John W. Kennedy, is a life-long resident of Madison, New Jersey, and a proud 3rd Generation Madison High School Dodger. An Industrial / Mechanical Engineer, Business Owner, and a passionate Advocate for Manufacturing & STEM. An Eagle Scout, National Distinguished Eagle, & Eagle Dad with Troop 7 & Venture Crew 77 for over 50 years...including (7) Philmont Treks as a Youth & Adult. An athlete through High School, College and beyond…still 'hitting balls', skiing and bike riding…just a bit slower. A very lucky individual who has benefitted from great parents, family, friends, and mentors; while being bless to have found the 'prettiest & smartest girl' I ever have known, and who allowed me to become a Dad to Sean Michael.

Book Reviews

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12 Simple Words Whereas it has been over a 100 years since Robert Baden Powell began the initiative of Scouting following his time as a British Army Officer, his writings and teaching on the art of Scouting has had a substantial impact on young boys and girls growing up. This is still true today and is beneficial to all youngsters during their maturing process. As the author John Kennedy points out in his recent book, the guiding principles of the 12 Simple Words are a powerful message for all who are interested in developing the youth of today. In addition, it acts as a guiding force for adults as well. Following my reading of the book, where he not only elaborates on his own opinions of what those 12 Words mean, but he has also invited others to provide input for his book. This input allows the reader to measure and equate their own experiences with many others and not be overwhelmed by John's own amazing accomplishments. The book is a quick read, but I would strongly suggest to not read it quick but rather savor it chapter by chapter to really reflect on what each of the 12 Simple Words actually mean. John has provided his input and allowed others to share their input, but it is the reader that he is inviting to develop their own personal reasons for reading the book and acting on a daily basis as to how to embrace each and every one of those 12 Simple Words. This book is not only for those in Scouts but for anyone in business, involved in a community or just wants to make a better life for the family. It is for all men and women, boys and girls, young and old, who want to take time to reflect on the rush of the world around them and want to be the impetus for a better world around them. Kudos to John Kennedy for bringing to light such a book that invites the reader to be introspective about the 12 Simple Words and what they mean to each and every person as an individual. Read more
Vitaly Having worked with John Kennedy in the 90s, I have always respected his leadership and integrity. Over the years, we maintained a strong bond, and reading "12 Simple Words" has deepened my understanding of who John truly is. This book revealed the profound influence that John's parents, friends, and colleagues had on shaping his values and character. I was particularly struck by how John's passion for the Scout movement, with its twelve guiding principles, has consistently guided his life. John's reflections on loyalty, bravery, and compassion resonated deeply with me, as I saw firsthand how he embodied these traits in our working relationship. The book made me realize that his strength and compassion were not only products of his upbringing but also of his intentional effort to live by these principles every day. "12 Simple Words" is an inspiring account that shows how a commitment to simple, yet profound values can lead to a life filled with meaning and purpose. Read more
Thought Provoking "12 Simple Words" was a pleasure to read. The author's voice is authentic and clear throughout the book, and I also appreciated the different perspectives complementing his own thoughts on each of the twelve words. This book encourages readers to reflect on these simple yet important words as they relate to their own lives, and I found myself wondering which of these important principles most mattered to me -- now and at various stages of life. Read more
Simple, Yet Powerful "12 Simple Words" is a continuation of John Kennedy's lifelong passion to impact the youth and young adults in his community. This book offers anyone, regardless of age, a pathway to changing how we live our lives. The message is simple, yet powerful. The diverse group of contributors was a definite value add and provides numerous examples of how these 12 simple words have had a positive impact in their lives. Read more
12 Simple Words A short but insightful book which invites the reader to explore, to reflect and to act on the importance and relevance of the twelve simple words comprising the Scout Law. While the words themselves are simple and somewhat ordinary, their impact and import are readily exposed by the enlightening, and often entertaining, "other voices" vignettes. Which word will most speak to you today and how can you use it to benefit those around you? And the next day? And even the next...a powerful opportunity in 12 Simple Words. Read more
Enlightening and enjoyable "12 Simple Words" was a very enlightening and enjoyable book to read. I liked the approach of involving many people to share their own perspectives/stories in addition to the author's own. I personally was not a Boy Scout (a bit of a Cub Scout) but do greatly admire the 12 word code of conduct and how it can inspire the goodness of human beings. I encourage people to read this. Let us all help make our world a better place. Read more