About the author
Brief Bio:
(Mufti) Nazim Mangera grew up in Toronto, Canada. At the age of 13, Mufti Nazim went to England to complete the traditional memorization of the Quran and the Islamic scholar course. He excelled in his studies which lasted for nearly 11 years. In his final year of studies, out of a class of 56 students, he was tied for first place.
Mufti Nazim is a well known speaker in community gatherings, interfaith events, universities, colleges and mosques where he has spoken on a wide range of interesting topics and has also visited 15 countries.
Mufti Nazim has 3 Masters Degrees: a Masters in Arabic, a Masters in Islamic Studies and a Masters in Islamic Jurisprudence. In 2010 he completed the Mufti course at the local Madania seminary. Currently, Mufti Nazim is pursuing his doctorate in Islamic Studies. The author quadrilingual and can converse fluently in four different languages. Mufti Nazim currently is an Imam in the State of New York, has three children and is happily married to a female Islamic scholar.