The year before my mother died, I had awakened spiritually and have had quite a journey since then. The night I made up my mind to write this book is part of it. I remember lying in bed when it hit me all of a sudden: I could ask Jesus Christ if he had any knowledge that he would like me to share with the world on His behalf.
God is your most trustworthy friend. He will always be by your
side. Everywhere you look, God is there. He is watching and protecting you. God loves you and His Love is eternal. God will do you no evil as He cannot do you evil or harm you. It is outside of his nature. Everything He does in your life will always bring you to your highest potential. Everything is for your good.
I am a simple channel. I believe the readings contained in this little book express both the essence of God and Jesus Christ, and hope these words bring you comfort and insight.