About the author
Author Bio
Jackie Chase, [WorldTravelDiva.com) shares her experience from travels to 108 countries in a unique “voice” that takes you to the scene, even without peeking at her story-telling photos of life in cultures we seldom observe. The 2014 Winner: Beverly Hills Book Awards in both Adult/Travel and (for this book) Children’s/Non-Fiction; she swept the travel genre with her Finalist award for “How To Become An Escape Artist” A Traveler’s Handbook; she won top travel genre honors for “100 People to Meet Before You Die” Travel to Exotic Cultures.
Jackie’s 2014 “All Hands Working Together” may be the most valuable book a Human Resources Department could share, for it is a fun read about how 79 cultures blend together as a guest-pleasing team living and working within inches of each other, 24/7, for months at a time. And there will be more in late 2014 when she completes her gripping story of living among stone-age warriors in New Guinea with a teen daughter and sharing her bonding growth/maturity. Become a fan by joining her friends at “WorldTravelDiva.com.”