The poems in this compilation of "2 Poetry Books in 1" were written together.
One dark, the other light. In my mind they compliment each other. Both have
pulled me thru rough and sleepless nights of silent hysteria and rage. I finally
made a break through and learned to just appreciate every moment of my life,
and just not allow myself to be victimized anymore. I don't have to cry and
write poetry and suffer defeat of spirit. I can glow and keep on glowing.
I can breathe the love I feel. I don't have to withhold it....I'm free now. Just a
little more cautious though. Hope you can relate to the poems. What started
me writing these 2 books was a recurring dream in which I found my
perpetrator and gladly inflicted injury (a family member who betrayed me), one
whom I once loved dearly. The ugliness...the actuality of the act, so upset me...
I had a nervous break down. So I learned that revenge is never worth it,
even in a dream, because of what it does to the one performing such meanness
...especially inflicting great physical harm. It isn't worth it enough to dream
about it! (smile) That's THE MIND WOULD KNOW poems.
After the dream I wrote EVEN IN DREAMS and IN THE HUMMING.
In The Humming inspired the book IF I COULD DO FOR YOU.
My son Joel Timmins contributed some of his beautiful artwork to this series.